
Creating Monkey reports in Mathematica

What I am after is a simple way to generate reports or actually carry out work based on some user input which can be carried out in Mathematica Pro.  I have struggled with an apparent interaction between long runnng sql queries and Dynamic Module which means that the execution has been unreliable when using Dynamic modules.

I created a demo report that allows you on Mathematica to push a button, request some input and generate a report .  The issue is that does not work very nicely in Player Pro as although there is a nice button to press you need to evaluate all the code.

I have now converted this into a number of files and successfully deployed to a Mathematica Player Pro.  i have stored the files in google docs so they can be downloaded.

The demo files are:

Having got a working notebook I did the following:

  1. Converted the library code to initialisation cells.  This created an initialisation package.
  2. Converted the auto saved initialisation package “report.m” to a package by adding BeginPackage,usage info for main function, Begin[`private`],End and End package.
  3. Convert the package to an encrypted package using the helper.  You need an encrypted needs when running on Player Pro
  4. Converted the report to just a single button with no extra code.  It needs the encrypted package.  One trick is to hide the code by removing the Cell –>Cell Properties open flag.
  5. Copy the encrypted packaged and button file to another system and I have a working tool.

Good news.

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